Common causes of chimney leaks and what to do about it Many homeowners don’t realize that their chimney requires regular maintenance in the form of…
Ultimate Chimney Repair Term Guide
Ultimate Chimney Repair Term Guide While interviewing chimney repair companies, many homeowners found themselves lost in a sea of technical chimney terms. The chimney repair…
5 Tips For Hiring A Chimney Sweep In Washington DC
5 Tips For Hiring A Chimney Sweep In Washington DC There are a lot of cleaning that you can do around your home on your…
How to install a chimney cap
Homeowners have to replace their chimney caps every now and then, usually after they’ve been blown off. While it’s best practice to hire a professional…
5 Ways to prevent costly chimney repairs
5 Ways to prevent costly chimney repairs When you own a home with a chimney, it’s important that you practice maintenance throughout the year. This…