5 Common Gas Fireplace Repair Problems
Many homes in the Washington DC area have gas fireplaces. When you own a gas fireplace, it’s important to know about some of the more common repairs. Some gas fireplace repairs can be done on your own while others require the help of a professional chimney sweep company like ours.
Fireplace Burner isn’t Turning On
You may find that when you go to light your fire, the burner isn’t turning on. If the pilot light is still working, it’s likely a problem with the thermostat. The good news is that you can often fix this on your own by checking that the current room temperature is below the thermostat setting. If the problem isn’t in your thermostat, you may need a professional to help you with several other aspects:- Faulty wiring
- Dirty orifice on the pilot light
- Thermocoupler needs to be replaced

Fireplace Doors Not Sealing Properly
Often, the glass doors to your gas fireplace might not be sealing properly, which is a relatively simple fix. The first sign that will tell you that your seals aren’t in place is that you will smell the gas coming out of your fireplace. The clips and glass fasteners both have to be in place firmly.The Ignition Isn’t Working
If you try to start a fire and the ignition isn’t working, you will need a repair of some sort. You may want to check the breaker box first to see if there has been a trip. Otherwise, it may be that you need to open the gas valve to restore the flow. If neither of these issues is the problem, you will want to get a professional in to check on the natural gas lines or the propane supply and to check the function of the wiring.
Soot Buildup
Gas fireplaces leave soot that can build up over time. You should be cleaning your fireplace on a regular basis so that you don’t get significant soot buildup.  Residue can affect the oxygen flow within your unit. There may not be enough oxygen flow, or there might be too much gas flow. Additionally, you should consider getting a professional chimney inspection to find out if any blockages could be causing the problem.A few other things that you can do for soot buildup
- Adjust the air setting
- Adjust the damper
- Align embers and logs according to fireplace instructions
- Clear off the combustion screen
- Remove leaves and debris from the chimney
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I want to have a gas fireplace installed. It makes sense that I would want to ensure that it’s installed properly! I’ll be sure to get a professional to help me out with this. That seems like the best way to ensure that I don’t have to worry about gas problems.
Thanks for listing the common fireplace repair issues. I am planning to install a fireplace at home in preparation for the cold season to come. Since I am not aware of it, I tried doing my research online and happened to come across your article. You noted that if there seems to be a problem with the wiring, I must then call for a professional right away to troubleshoot the issue.