Many people think that only wood fireplaces must be inspected every year. This is wrong! Gas fireplaces must also be inspected. They do not have…
3 Most Common Chimney Repair Problems [2020 version]
3 Most Common Chimney Repair Problems [2020 version] Chimney problems can affect the operations of your fireplace and the safety of your home. It is…
Summer Mantle Decoration Ideas [2020 edition]
Summer Mantle Decoration Ideas [2020 edition] During the hot summer days in Washington DC, many people are only thinking about their fireplace in the cooler…
Why you should never delay repairing a chimney leak
Some homeowners make the mistake of waiting a long time before they repair a leaking chimney. They figure, the water is not affecting much and there…
Complete guide for hiring A Chimney Service Company
Complete guide for hiring A Chimney Service Company Your chimney is more than a tube attached to the roof. Chimneys vent gasses from the operation of…