Comprehensive Guide to Napoleon Gas Fireplaces
Customers across the Montgomery County and Washington DC area are falling in love with Napoleon fireplaces. It is the most popular brand that we install. Wolf Steel introduced the Napoleon line in 1981 with an innovative single-glass door of Pyroceram high-temperature ceramic glass and a cast-iron frame. Since then, this Canadian company has consistently added new products and features to its offerings in hearth appliances. Chimney service companies like ours appreciate the quality of Napoleon fireplaces. Here is a comprehensive guide to gas fireplaces from Napoleon.

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Direct Vent Gas Fireplace Models
Napoleon has a wide selection of direct vent gas fireplaces that will seamlessly fit into any home’s decor. An existing masonry fireplace can be fitted with a direct vent gas fireplace. Exhaust from these models exit the chimney using a co-linear system. If you don’t have a fireplace or a chimney, you can still have a lovely gas fireplace in just about any room in your house because direct vent gas fireplaces do not require brick chimneys. Instead, a direct vent gas fireplace can pull combustion air from outside while venting to the outdoors through a system of flexible and rigid vents designed for the specific location of the unit.
- No need for an existing fireplace or chimney means you can have a hearth in your bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere the warmth and flicker of flames would be welcome.
- A zero-clearance gas fireplace can be professionally installed directly in the wall. The increased insulation allows zero clearance gas models to safely touch combustible surfaces.
- A professional can install a venting system that goes around joists, beams, and other structural features to directly connect the gas fireplace to the outside, keeping your home safe and cozy.
- Self-generating millivolt systems or regular batteries can provide the power for the burner and flame control. You can stay warm even during a power outage.
A direct vent gas fireplace can turn a seldom-used room into a cozy spot without adding venting worries. You get the warmth and flames of a beautiful fire at the touch of a switch and your room becomes a refuge from the cold. Napoleon offers a variety of sizes and styles in their series of models.
Napoleon Direct Vent Gas Fireplace Series
The Acies Series provides a luxurious experience with its new Divinity™ flame pattern and multiple media kits. This linear design series is available as a single-sided or a two-sided See Thru model.

The Ascent Multi-View Gas Fireplace is a See Thru or three-sided Peninsula style that offers multiple firebox configurations and electronic ignition with battery back-up.

The Plazmafire 48 and Plazmafire 31 each combine modern aesthetics and the convenience of a Napoleon gas fireplace with simple installation requirements that enable endless potential.
The Vittoria has a tall, slender design that fits into corners, entranceways, and other smaller spots. It can be very traditional or very modern depending on the surround and other options you choose.
The Torch is an attractive, modern, slim design featuring a single flame that reflects off its prism-shaped firebox. This is a perfect accent in small spaces.
The STARfire 35 creates a glowing ambiance with its high, centralized flame and customizable features.
The Park Avenue has exclusive designer accessories with realistic flames in a unique frameless design.
The Ascent Linear Series has multiple design options and many innovative features like the eFire app that allows you to control the fireplace from your favorite mobile device.

The Elevation X Series is a traditional full fire display in a premium format with a glowing ENDLESS EMBERS™ electric ember bed and Ultra High Definition log sets in a deep firebox for the most realistic experience.
  Vent Free Gas Fireplace Models
Napoleon offers a broad selection of vent free gas fireplaces that do not need vents at all. Sometimes referred to as ventless fireplaces, these units are designed to circulate the gas back into the house. Vent-free fireplaces use safety features like auto shutoffs. Auto shutoffs activate when the oxygen level in the room is low. Auto shutoffs are an excellent safety feature. However, because the gas is circulated back into the house, there is conflicting views on whether vent-free units should be installed. Some in the industry argue that it is safe under certain conditions and others strongly feel it is too risky. Vent-free gas fireplaces are prohibited in some states. Some local zoning codes also prohibit vent-free units. The advantage of a ventless gas fireplace is that it can be installed without the structural requirements of direct vent fireplaces.
Things to remember about vent-free gas fireplaces
- The unit must be installed in a room that is large enough to provide the oxygen needed for combustion and dissipate the fumes safely.
- The unit must be meticulously installed and maintained according to the manual so that it operates at top efficiency.
- Carbon monoxide detectors must be strategically located to alert the homeowner of dangerous levels. Additional sources of fumes, like a number of burning candles, can affect air quality and cause problems for sensitive individuals.
- Even where all these standards are met, your location may prohibit vent free gas fireplaces so a professional service familiar with your codes should be consulted.
If you live where a ventless gas fireplace is allowed, Napoleon’s many safety features along with professional installation and maintenance might be a good fit in a particular room. This would be a decision you should make with a fully certified installer who can inform you of the pros and cons involved in that choice.
Napoleon Vent Free Gas Fireplaces
The Torch Vent-free Gas Fireplaces Is an elegant, tall single torch flame in a reflective prism firebox.
The Plazmafire Vent-free Gas Fireplaces offer an appealing view of its Topaz Crystaline ember bed and a slate brick panel or Mirro-flame porcelain reflective radiant panel.

Dynamic Heat Controlâ„¢ Plus
Have you ever wished that your fireplace could spread the warmth around a little more effectively? The Dynamic Heat Control™ Plus system is an innovative solution to the problem of too much heat in one room and not enough in the rest of the house. Napoleon direct vent gas fireplaces can be used to heat other rooms in your home. This system connects to other areas in the home so that the heat produced by the fireplace can be directed to any location in the house, even in the event of a power failure!
If it is not needed inside, the heat can be exhausted outdoors. This makes it possible to enjoy the warmth of your fireplace when the weather is cold and the visual beauty of the flames during the warm nights of summer. Napoleon’s Dynamic Heat Controlâ„¢ Plus is a game-changer for many homeowners who want more efficiency from their hearth appliance. It gives you the power to adjust the temperature all over the house and the peace of mind you need during a winter storm that turns the lights out.
The patent-pending Dynamic Heat Control™ System quietly manages heat so well that sensitive or combustible materials can be installed right above the fireplace. Artwork, soundbars, televisions, and more can be enjoyed at the same time the fireplace is being used. This feature is only available in certain series and models.
The Conclusion
Napoleon Gas Fireplaces are high-quality products. Whether you choose the Direct Vent models or a Vent Free Model, you are going to get a good unit but is it right for your home? Wise homeowners choose to have a professional come to their home and look at the hoped-for installation site so they can be fully aware of all the factors involved.
A professional consultation gives you expert advice on your particular options and a working estimate of what the actual process will cost. A good company will be able to handle everything from estimate to installation and provide continued maintenance services so you can kick back and enjoy your fireplace with no worries.